vineri, 29 ianuarie 2010

The deaf and the mute

For the simple fact that we can speak and hear, does not mean we can properly communicate. There are abnormalities, treacherous situations when we wrongly believe we are in control, or on the contrary, when we want to give up, although the fight should not be over.
On the one hand, there is the "dialogue of the deaf"- people may speak, they may use the same vocabulary, still their language is different, words do not stir the same mental concepts for both of them. It's the illusion of communication...using the same vocabulary, and even talking for hours won't get them to any consent or understanding. And the worst part is... they don't even know they speak different languages, they can't even begin to imagine they are two foreigners who just met on the ground of a common vocabulary. Consequently, they start blaming each other for their useless and meaningless conversations, failing to realize that together they are both deaf, each trapped in the world of their own language.
On other other hand, there is the "dialogue of the mute"- between those people there are the subtle signs of a common language, yet at a nonverbal level. Those signs are never verbalized because of two possible reasons: people either do not share the same vocabulary (one speaks Japanese, the other Romanian), or they avoid using it. Due to real or imaginary constraints, they can't put their latent common language into words. They let it float into a realm of silent understanding, deciphering each other beyond words.
Can the deaf and the mute be cured and which of them has more chances? Hard to answer...perhaps the mute are more likely to recover, as they are at least aware of their problem. They know they lack the common vocabulary, or the verbal communication. The deaf, however, think they are properly healthy, they don't even know what they need. The deaf should start by admitting they are not in control and that none of them holds the ultimate truth, while the mute should not cease to seek for a way to verbalize their conversations.
These are not pathological cases, they are part of the universe of our interactions. It all comes down to this: we are all deaf to some people and mute to others...

Hooverphonic - My Child

vineri, 1 ianuarie 2010

The New

The first new year with a new vibe, the first true New Year's Eve. We always say that entering a new year will make us implement certain decisions, will make us improve ourselves, but does always the new year imply experiencing the new? Or is it just another year of indulging in some old habits, dwelling old feelings or still hiding old desires? Don't know what the year will bring, but the Eve was truly new, like it hasn't been for a while.
It might be that it was just another day in the calendar, or just another fun party to remember, but it made me see that inevitably the new comes. Sometimes it's unwanted, sometimes it's craved for, sometimes it's premeditated, sometimes it's unexpected. Either way it is what makes live fun and worthy. So raise the glasses for The New!