I haven't had time to post lately as I've been busy with a lot of things. Firstly, after the EUROPAfest festival ended, I had to catch up with some activities at school. Surprisingly I had a lot of energy left for those activities. I had thought the festival would leave me exhausted, but, on the contrary, it was a very refreshing experience.
Secondly, some friends who are now studying in Iasi came to visit me and my flatmate. I have spent a lovely weekend with them, which proved me that old and strong friendships do not fade away for the simple reason that there's a distance between the friends. We all have other new friends now, other new activities, yet our connection is the same.

The third important thing that I have done lately was to take part in an important event - UNESCO Forum on Higher Education. I had the chance to see important political persons holding speeches and also people working in the educational system debating about problems and solutions concerning higher education. Our public relations teacher, Remus Pricopie, asked 50 students to offer some help at this event and I am glad that I took advantage of this opportunity. It was interesting to be a part of an international meeting, to have the chance to hear and talk to important people. What I have particularly liked and appreciated was the speech held by the Prince of Iordania. Imposing, yet warm, serious, yet with a sense of humor, this man managed to make the audience to stand up and applaud in the end. Furthermore, the venue of this event was a very imposing one - The Palace of the Parlament, the second largest building in the world after the Pentagon and I must say it truly is large. I have got lost a few times in it. Maybe some people would think that those two days of conferences were a loss of time for me, but I'm sure they were not. When you are eager to observe things and to learn, such an experience cannot be useless. The important thing in life is to try to extract a meaning, a lesson from each and every thing you do. This way you will have neither regrets, nor will you feel lost.

Last but not least, during the time that I haven't posted I went through a change of perspectives. I have previously talked about hope, changes and the necessity of taking a bend when you are going towards a dead - end situation. I have talked, yet I haven't applied it to myself. I don't know how it happened but during EUROPAfest I have finally taken that bend and got over some old feelings and thoughts. This is another reason why the festival was a refreshing experience. Still, cancer like, I moved one step forward and then two steps back, as I remembered even older feelings. I will talk more about my nostalgia in a future post. This post was just a review to share the diversified activities that I have got involved in lately.
P.S It is difficult to chose a song for this post. I have compressed many thoughts and moods in this post and I can't find a song to fit them all. I have chosen TRIO ELF - 746 as this was one of my favorite songs performed in the EUROPAfest jazz concerts.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APa2EJ0zsLoAlso try TAMARAZENE - When I LOOK IN YOUR EYES, which you can find on MySpace:
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