There's something magical in the idea of "home". I'm sure you had that nostalgic feeling that you miss home, not because you are unhappy with your current life, or because you're feeling that you can't get by on your own. I don't wish I had remained in my town, nor do I want to turn back time to live home again. It's just that somehow in the whirlpool of my exciting new life I realized I wanted to catch a glimpse of my old life. I love it when I come back home...it's a warm and soothing feeling that recharges my batteries. So... on whichever journey you might be, follow your nostalgia and let it guide you home, because every pilgrim needs to feel the joy of coming back once in a while...
I wish you all a guarding angel in your journey and Happy Easter!
Sophie Zelmani - Going Home
hmmm.... :) foarte frumos scris.... f frumos spus, ma faci sa fiu nostalgica.... si da, mereu ceva ne cheama acasa, mereu acasa e bine, e cald, e multa iubire, mereu suntem asteptati cu bratele deschise de cineva.... Happy Easter to you too! >:D< "exciting new life".... so exciting this new life, right? :) >:D< :*