Morcheeba - Summertime
miercuri, 24 iunie 2009
Summer garden
There's nothing more refreshing than a summer garden, especially after a summer rain. You just have to give into your senses and relax...

Morcheeba - Summertime
Morcheeba - Summertime
luni, 22 iunie 2009
About crossroads and the right road

Almost one year ago I took my entrance examination for Communication and Public Relations (FCRP). I had learned a lot for that exams, yet the idea of it scared the hell out of me. I think what terrified me was not its difficulty, but its importance, as I could feel that the exam was a landmark in my life. I remember my mother telling me the day before the exam: "I've prayed for you, but not necessarily to get into FCRP. I've prayed that God would bring you on your road." Coincidence or faith, I did get into FCRP and after one year of college I truly feel that I am on the right road. I like the curriculum, the teachers, the activities the college has to offer, the general atmosphere and last but not least my classmates. For now, I've realized PR is a passions and I want to exploit that passion in order to get something fruitful out of it and maybe to start building a future. I've also met good teachers, people to look up to. Furthermore, I've realized I've found new dear friends among my classmates, friends that make me feel that I am where I belong and friends that change my life. I can't even begin to imagine how my life would be without all those things, things that all emerge from one landmark day: the day that I took my entrance exam. My mother's prayer had been listened, as I've been at a crossroad, but found the right road.
Goldfrapp - Road to somewhere
miercuri, 17 iunie 2009

Today's song is entitled, of course, June. Try thinking of a cool summer night. You're sitting on a balcony gazing at the stars and the moon, thinking about how much you've struggled for the different things and then coming to peace with yourself. Remembering and re- embracing life. The song is dreamy and delicate, just as a June night.
"Certainly the world, with all that it has, is never as beautiful as when you are watching it from the corner where you have hidden to see all its parts." Soren Kierkegaard
Tchaikovsky - June
joi, 11 iunie 2009
The memory of trees
I mentioned in a previous post that I am fascinated by tress...old trees with strong roots and mighty crowns, or thick descending branches encumbered by time, branches that almost touch the ground. The things which come into my mind when I see such trees are: strength, stability, wisdom, maturity and youth at the same time. Even though time has drawn many rings into their trunks, spring never seizes to bring their youth back. In celtic mythology, trees are thought to have special powers and also the memory and the wisdom of the ancestors.
I guess what makes them so interesting to me is that they radiate so much calm and confidence, while embodying the struggles of each year in their trunks. They endure the difficulties of nature, yet they become dignified.
When I took part in a focus group about student organization, the introductory question was: with what element of nature do you identify yourself? Of course my answer was "a tree", but I still have to obtain their stability and their wisdom.

Enya - The memory of trees
I guess what makes them so interesting to me is that they radiate so much calm and confidence, while embodying the struggles of each year in their trunks. They endure the difficulties of nature, yet they become dignified.
When I took part in a focus group about student organization, the introductory question was: with what element of nature do you identify yourself? Of course my answer was "a tree", but I still have to obtain their stability and their wisdom.

Enya - The memory of trees
marți, 9 iunie 2009
Following intuition
In order to be able to follow our intuition, we firstly need to loosen up a bit the constraints imposed by our reasoning. As I've said, intuition might not seem truthful, it nurtures an a priori feeling or thought about facts. However, following it might make us realize that we a priori new what was going to happen.
It can be truly sincere, as intuition is a balance between the chaotic and subjective subconscious, filled with desires and the conscience that tries as much as possible to stay objective. Intuition helps us to see the facts beyond the schemes imposed by our reasoning and also beyond our deep and burning desires. It might not always tell us what we want to hear or it might only show us a blurry picture of the exterior. Still, it can be the thing which makes the difference and inspires us to make the best choice.
P.S: The photo is actually my edited version of a picture which hangs over my bed. It's from Canada, it's native art by a local artist and I got it as a gift from my aunt. As I have an unexplainable passion for birds and trees this is the most appropriate thing that could hang over my bed. I have three other drawings besides the one from the beginning of the post and each of them has a title given by the artist. These are the birds that watch over my sleep and my dreams every night (from left to right): Proud Male, Learning, Good Morning, Swallows.
Alexandrina Hristov - Spre Sud
marți, 2 iunie 2009
Advertising Space

Well, yesterday I finally found the song on youtube. I don't know how I found it, it was kind of accidentally, but I instantly recognized it.
The song is Advertising Space, and the coincidence is that I actually did some star gazing that night.:) Here's the link for it:
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