I mentioned in a previous post that I am fascinated by tress...old trees with strong roots and mighty crowns, or thick descending branches encumbered by time, branches that almost touch the ground. The things which come into my mind when I see such trees are: strength, stability, wisdom, maturity and youth at the same time. Even though time has drawn many rings into their trunks, spring never seizes to bring their youth back. In celtic mythology, trees are thought to have special powers and also the memory and the wisdom of the ancestors.
I guess what makes them so interesting to me is that they radiate so much calm and confidence, while embodying the struggles of each year in their trunks. They endure the difficulties of nature, yet they become dignified.
When I took part in a focus group about student organization, the introductory question was: with what element of nature do you identify yourself? Of course my answer was "a tree", but I still have to obtain their stability and their wisdom.

Enya - The memory of trees
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